I Bet 'Ron Mexico' is really the one doing the dogfighting.

Well seems Mike Vick has been indicted after all after all the reports leaked to the media indicating they didn't have enough evidence on Big Mike to pull the trigger. Looks like the feds pulled the old rope-a-dope on him. But, it seems the case against him is far from air tight. Even a cursory glance at the actual indictment reveals that much of the evidence against Vick is composed of testimony from informants who turned state's evidence with no actual smoking gun. Some of the more interesting bits are testimony from a witness who alledgedly was physically confronted by some of Vick's entourage after publicly mentioning Michael Vick's name in front of a crowd at a dogfight, the name of the business that Vick used to run his dogfighting enterprise is supposed to be named "Bad Newz Kennelz" and apparently on his MySpace page he lists his hometown as Newport News, VA "a.ka. Bad Newz", Vick supposedly had t-shirts and headbands made to promote his business, and testimony from an informant that says Vick personally handed him a bag containing approximately $23,000 in cash after the informant's dog won a fight. Wow the feds want this brother so bad their dicks are hard. I'll bet NOISB has an interesting take on this.
